World cleanup day


How can we continue to accept the growth of abandoned waste in our environment?

It is time to face the ecological degradation that we are doing to the planet, it is time for a general mobilization to change behavior and to question the future of humanity.

The World CleanUp Day is betting on a massive mobilization to reverse the table.

For example, the members of the European Youth Water Parliament will lead joint actions in several European countries. They will invite all the youth delegations to set up a group of waste cleaners in their city or community. The cleaning will be oriented around lakes, rivers or seas for this day of September 15th. We can do the same with other communities outside Europe.

To help them they will be provided a project document with all the steps to follow to achieve this action. The communication of these actions will be focused on water quality, the 7th continent, etc. And this will be accompanied by advocacy for town halls and communities, with the aim of taking concrete political measures to reduce waste and pollution.

For more details, visit