15th European Youth Parliament for Water

We invite all young people active in the water sector to apply to the 15th edition of the European Youth Parliament for Water, to be held from from November 17 to 24 2019 in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.

Please, note that the dates of the Parliament have been changed; it will be held from 17 to 24 November 2019



The European Youth Parliament for water is an initiative we launched in 1999 to promote youth involvement in the water sector, both by increasing their awareness of water resource management issues and by fostering understanding of citizenship and democracy. During one week, young Europeans meet to debate, exchange and take action on a specific water related issue. At the end of the Parliament, participants come up with a “Common commitment” declaration gathering Youth’s vision on the annual Parliament’s theme and various proposals to undertake concrete actions in their communities.

For more than 20 years now, we have been organizing throughout Europe 14 editions of the Parliament, with the objective to :

  • Enable young people to acquire new knowledge on issues related to water as well as active citizenship and to allow them to act as agents of change;
  • Facilitate the participation of young people in the decision-making processes as fully fledged stakeholders, with a strong focus on river basin organisations;
  • Inspire youth actions for water, at local, European and International levels;
  • Strengthening young Europeans’ capacities to act, dialogue and be a driving force in the water sector.

The European Youth Parliament for Water is an initiative as part of our larger Youth Strategy  wishing to empower a new generation of water leaders, to respond to global challenges and to contribute to build more sustainable and peaceful societies.


The proposed theme for the 15th EYPW is: “The River basin: backbone of regional development”.

For the 15th edition of the EYPW, we wish to address the theme of the river basin in its different components. More specifically, this 15th edition will focus on how the territorial unit of a river basin area can be a driving force for a shared and sustainable management of the water resources of the basin and for cooperation and development at several levels (economic, touristic, cultural, ecological or political for example) and how young people can contribute to a better water resources management.


To build a cohesive group and ensure a friendly and welcoming atmosphere, candidates will be selected according to the following criteria:

  • Associative or civic involvement in relation to the water, environment, climate or youth sector;
  • Strong interest in issues related to the water sector, international relations, development, political science, environmental science, engineering, etc…
  • Motivation and interest to get involved in the European Youth Parliament for Water’s activities in the long term;
  • Being aged  between 18 and 30 years old and fluent in English;
  • Residing in one of the 47 member States of the Council of Europe (see here : https://www.coe.int/en/web/portal/47-members-states


Covered by the organizers:

  • Local transportation
  • Accommodation and food
  • Activities and programme expenses

Covered by the participants:

  • International transportation*
  • Visa expenses (if necessary)
  • Insurance (mandatory)

*Attention – Thanks to the support of ERASMUS+ full travel will be covered for the following countries: Armenia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, France,Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Malta, Moldova, Russia, Slovakia.


To apply, fill the following form. Applications are open until September 15th: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfsqJ1OgnhwY51_jY-kV-Md_EEWz-_7GhNsPw24m2sMVf9Gkw/viewform?usp=sf_link


For any questions, please contact :

Anne-Catherine MERCURI, amercuri@see-swe.org /+33 388849314

In partnership with the Ecological Movement Dront – “Let’s help the River”, Nizhny Novgorod.

With the support of :