The “Apele Moldovei” Agency has published a tender for the elaboration of a “Water and Sanitation Master plan (feasibility study) for the villages of the Nirnova river basin. “.
This tender is part of the “EU Water Initiative Plus for the Eastern Countries” (EUWIplusEast) funded by the European Union and implemented by the International Water Office (IOW). Also, it is in direct line with the project “Access to drinking water and sanitation for the villages in the Nîrnova River basin” implemented by Water Solidarity Europe (SWE).
The expected results for the 18 municipalities in the Nîrnova River basin are :
- An analysis of the situation concerning drinking water supply;
- Zoning of priority areas to be covered by collective drinking water supply solutions;
- An analysis of the water supply and wastewater treatment situation;
- A drinking water supply and sanitation strategyat the river basin scale of the river Nîrnova;
- Proposal for a delegation contract for the administration and development of water and wastewater services.
For any further information regarding the tender procedure, please contact :
- Ms Ilke CICEKOGLU, project assistant at the International Office of Water (IOW) :
- Mr Pierre Henry de Villeneuve, International Water Office (IOW):
Deadline for submitting the technical and financial tender is 24 July 2019, 17:00 time (CET)