On The Road To WYPW at Brasilia 2018

A year of preparation all over the world

ISW-SWE has organized events around the world to identify and mobilize young parliamentarians for the fourth WYPW General Assembly in Brasilia in March 2018.

The preparatory process includes:

  • Main preparatory events gathering 30–40 youth from the region or the continent
  • Activities led by WYPW alumni in their country or region
  • Activities linked to the Regional Process of the Forum

In regions needing more representation, other youth will be selected after an international selection process.

The results of the preparatory process will influence the program of WYPW general assembly and will be also be presented during the forum.

There are three preparatory events scheduled for 2017.


4th General Assembly: 16-23 March 2018, Brasilia

The activities of WYPW converge during the General Assembly. Youth will formulate a statement presenting recommendations and concrete actions.

The general assembly also includes:

  • Active learning activities, debates with renowned experts and practical field workshops
  • Creative workshops for project design and the creation of learning tools to be used by other young people
  • A democratic approach: all decisions are made by consensus
  • Opportunities to get to know each other and relax with inter-cultural evenings and the chance to learn about the host country’s culture

The culmination of the gathering is an official and public final session held in the presence of political figures.

At the General Assembly, participants can renew their membership and vote for the WYPW presidency, whose members serve three year terms.

World Youth Parliament of Water during the 8th World Water Forum

The WYPW will participate actively in several Forum events to contribute to dialogue and to support commitments by the young parliamentarians for water and sanitation.