ISW-SWE is looking for a youth consultant.
Over the coming months, the International Secretariat for Water and Solidarity Water Europe will establish a new youth strategy to increase capacity and youth-related activities. To do this, ISW-SWE is looking for a consultant youth to work on this project. With the support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), the consultant will be tasked to develop a 3-years Youth Strategy and plan its implementation at global level with local / regional impacts.
The contract will start on 1 December 2016 for a duration of 33 working days over a 4 month period. For more details on the Terms of Reference, click here.
The contract will be signed between the SDC and the consultant. For more information or questions, please contact Sarah Dousse ( until November 7, 2016.
Application deadline: November 10, 2016.