Two meetings in the districts of Hincesti and Nisporeni, Moldova.

In the context of our field project, ” Access to clean water and sanitation in the villages of the Nirnova Basin”, we organized two meetings with the inhabitants of the districts of Hincesti and Nisporini. This action also falls within the context of support granted by the French Embassy in Moldova.

On September 16th, our President, Antonella Cagnolati, accompagnied by Adrien Berthier, Mayor of Duppigheim (Lower-Rhin) and Vice-President of the ”Syndicate of Water and Sanitation of Alsace-Moselle”, went to Bujor (district of Hincesti) and Seliste (District of Nisporeni) to hold two consultations devoted to issues related to water and sanitation.

The main objective of the two meetings were to raise awareness among the inhabitants on the role of a democratic and participatory water governance, as well as putting forward the importance of citizen’s involvement.

The meetings gathered over 90 persons coming from very diverse backgrounds (mayors, young people, communal employees, teachers with their students). We counted on the presence of Ina Coseru (Agence de l’Eau Apele Moldovei) annd Frimu Patel (expert in community development) who contributed to animate these exchanges.

Thanks to all our partners for their support :