On February 13, 2018 in Tajikistan, we organized a #WaterGeneration Meetup–Dushanbe. This day-long event prepared Central Asia’s Young Water Champions for the regional pre-consultations for the 8th World Water Forum on February 14 and 15.
With a day of workshops, talks and testimonials, the Meetup prepared Central Asian youth to be agents of change through concrete actions at all levels. The event continued the work our Young Water Champions begun last spring at Expo2017 Astana in Kazakhstan. They drafted the Central Asian Youth Vision for Water, outlining the needs and aspirations of the region’s youth, and the role they aim to play in water management decisions. They then presented the document to Central Asian elected officials and to the Global High-Level Panel For Water and Peace in Geneva. We are already starting to see successes on the local level as well. Inspired by the strength of the convictions articulated in the Vision, all eight of Kazakhstan’s basin councils agreed to provide a seat for youth representative at all future meetings.
The Meetup featured talks and testimonials from Young Water Champions Asma Bachikh, Bota Sharipova, Aminjon Abdulloev, Mirsaid Uzakov and others. Our executive Director Sarah Dousse and Central Asia Project Coordinator Olivier Normand also spoke at the event.
We have been active in Central Asia for over 20 years, and are proud to see youth taking action on regional water challenges using a basin-level approach.
Thank you to our partners at the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and German Kazakh University for their support.