Summer school in Education and Sustainable Development
The seventh edition of the Summer school in Education and Sustainable Development of the Faculty of Education at Université Laval will take place from August 14 to 18, 2017, and will be complemented by a one-day seminar on September 30th.
This year the transversal thematic focuses on the issues and challenges of providing quality water around the following issues:
- The St. Lawrence River and Hydrocarbons (Day of the network Notre Golfe);
- EESD (environmental education and sustainable development) eand water, in primary and secondary schools;
- Water supply in Québec City and around the world and its challenges to ensure quality and sustainability.
This summer school is under the responsibility of Barbara Bader, a full professor in the Faculty of Education at Université Laval. A first part is aimed at students and the second part is aimed at professionals.
The terms of registration can be consulted here: Component 1 et Component 2.
Deadline for registration: June 2017.