Youth Central Asia Workshop at the Astana Expo 2017


The International Secretariat for Water, with the support of the Swiss Government, organizes a Youth Workshop on Water in Central Asia on 16 to 20 June, 2017. The workshop will be held in Astana, Khazastan, in the framework of the Astana Expo 2017 on the Swiss Pavillon.

The International Secretariat for Water is convinced that it is imperative for an effective implementation of Sustainable Development Goals, with the specific goal dedicated to water, to combine the local and international levels. From the “local” to the “international” we can mobilize all stakeholders in the water sector including young people.

Youth is a vector of change. It seems essential for the ISW that young people can put forward their commitments to water, participate in developing new responses to water issues and also contribute to reflections for better water management based on their innovative initiatives and projects.

It is with these convictions that we wish to organize a Centrale Asia regional meeting and build a common vision for the region.

Follow this link to get all the informations, provisional program and how to apply.

We are looking for the new Central Asia Water Generation!”